Monday, August 2, 2010

100% Random

I like crossing my legs. It's something I couldn't do when I was 206.
It's a sweet little victory for me each and every time, and I'm reminded of how far I've come!

Last night I had a dream that some little kid was throwing rocks at me. Every rock would hit one of my joints, and I was annoyed at how good the kids aim was. When I woke up my joints were killing me! Now the dream makes sense, lol. I think I'm going to have to get my remicade infusion every month, instead of every two months... nerds.

This mornings weigh in had me at 167 for a 2 pound loss this week!

Where the heck is TOM?! I thought it was coming, but it must have taken a wrong turn somewhere...

I was awarded the versatile blog award again. This time by Deb and Kelly. Thank you ladies!!

I'm LOVIN' these ring pops!! They're seriously the perfect snack!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a chance to win them!

I have baby fever like no ones business! It comes in waves... and I'm in the middle of a huge title wave!

That's about it. I hope you survived the trip into my head. If you're a little dizzy or disoriented, don't worry, it should pass within the next few minutes
(If symptoms last longer, seek medical help. Deliciously Healthy is not responsible for any long term effects;)

Thank you. Come again.
(Channeling Apu from The Simpsons)


  1. You look awesome in that photo and I'll never forget realizing that I could comfortably cross my legs. Who knew something could feel so wonderful?

    I'm praying for some serious baby making!!! I know that this weight loss will affect your PCOS for the better!!!!

  2. You are too funny. I love the picture. Isn't it funny what we appreciate. I remember when I could finally cross my legs. Great job on the 2 lb loss.

    You're going to make a great mom!! I hope your baby wishes come true soon!!

  3. You are so funny! & i have baby fever too! BAD! But we're going to wait...maybe next year... :)

  4. That is an awesome person to channel. I'm glad you put up the disclaimer. Cause I wouldn't want you to get frivolously law suited! ;) You're doing so dang well!

  5. I am new to your blog, you are so funny!

    Love that you can cross your legs. Don't take all those milestones for granted!

    Congrats on your weight loss success.

  6. Whew! That was a whirlwind!
    Have a fab afternoon! Kimberly

  7. Congrats on your 2-pound loss! That's great! And it is always nice to celebrate the little victories too, like crossing your legs! Can't wait to cross mine again. LOL

  8. You are so funny!

    yeah on crossing your legs! It's something people don't think about when they are overweight, but it's a nice thing to be able to do!

    Hope your joints feel better!

  9. congrats on your 2 pound loss that is great! And cute picture by the way.

  10. Being able to cross my legs is definitely on my list of "why I want/need to lose weight." Can't wait to do it!

    Congrats on the 2lbs, you keep shrinking!

  11. I love to cross my legs too and can't wait to be able to do it again!
