Thursday, August 26, 2010

Miss Busy Bee. Plus, I Totally Broke Up With Diet Dr. Pepper

My blogging days are Mondays and Thursdays... but these past couple days have just been too busy for me to get around to writing a post...

We're having a good friend stay with us for a couple months. We've been expecting his arrival for about a month now, and we're excited to have him here.

On Sunday, we were asked if the missionaries could live with us for a few months. You know, the young men who ride around on their bikes in a suit and tie. They've probably knocked on your door once or twice :) It's been a neat experience having them here. I have a hole new appreciation for LDS missionaries. Here are two young men who take a huge leap of faith to go on a mission, far away from their home, in an all new state or country. They dedicate themselves for the next 2 years to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. It really amazes me...
but it was a lot of work getting ready for them. I had to clear out my craft (junk) room!

I've been doing really well on the diet front!

And guess who hasn't had a single drop of Diet Dr. Pepper since Monday?
That's right, me! Here's proof.This has been in my fridge all week,
without being touched
Wait a second. Why the heck is it even still in my fridge?
Bye. Bye.I know. I know. I'm awesome.
Stop, you're making me blush! ;D

What did I replace it with? "Fancy water", as Tina suggested.
What do you know, it worked!

And THANK YOU for all your AWESOME tips!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I'll have a real post on Monday. Psst, it's a yummy recipe!


  1. Go you, pouring that diet dr. pepper down the drain! You are awesome! :)

  2. Hey, well done for having the strength to pour that Dr. Pepper away. It really takes self-control to do something like that :)

  3. Great job... nice clean break up... that's the only way to go!
    One other thing that may help, read the lables on diet pop before you indulge- particularly the sodium part... I'm just sayin'... it's sure helped me!!

    And I have that same T-shirt! I love it on you it's so cute!

  4. WOW! No Dr. Pepper? That's great. If only I could kick my Diet Coke Addiction :(

  5. So long Dr. pepper... Hello water. Good choice:-)

  6. I hate aspartame, so ditching the diet drinks was a cinch for me.

    I can't wait to see the recipe for this Fancy Water! Good job! :)

  7. Jenn- It's just water and lemon! Simple, but refreshingly good! Putting it in the wine glass made me feel like I was pampering myself! :D

  8. You made the right choice pouring that crap down the drain!!!!! Glad you're back...have missed you! :)

  9. Good job pouring it down the drain! Sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures! ;)

  10. The fancy water is a great idea! When I go grocery shopping I am getting lemons and cucumbers for fancying up my water. Thanks!

  11. Haha, well I guess I can make that at home, now can't I? :)

  12. Well...I am glad that you are finding out what works well for you!! I wish that you had sent that yummy goodness to me!!! Hey...are you Mormon?
