Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's Not All About The Numbers

Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I'm actually kind of nervous. Although it's been a stellar week, it's also been one of those weeks, if ya know what I mean. I've settled nicely into my :Deliciously healthy groove again, and I am soo proud of that. It has been a long time. A really long time. I was worried not seeing a decent loss tomorrow (do to TOM) would ruin this groove I'm in. It's so hard to not let bad weigh ins get you down, especially when you've done everything right.

Then I was thinking to myself; It's not the weigh ins that I'm particularly proud of. It's my everyday decisions. Every time I pass up a temptation, eat a healthy meal, work out, drink water, take my vitamins... I feel a sense of pride. I think to myself, "I'm doing this!" Those decisions are what's making me a healthier person. Those choices are what's getting me to my goal. I feel more joy when I'm making a healthy decision, then I do when I see a 1lb loss on the scale. So why let the 'numbers' get to me? Unfortunately the scale doesn't always show all of the healthy choices you've made during the week, but you're not doing it for the scale. You're doing this for you, and
YOU are changing

So In preparation for tomorrows weigh in, I decided to write down some of the healthy decisions I've made over the past week. I'm proud of those moments, and if the scale isn't going to acknowledge them, I'm just going to have to get all up in it's business, and shove those little victories of mine, in it's face ;) 

1. "Went on a walk twice a day, every day this week" They're usually about a half hour walk, so that's an hour of walking a day! It definitely helps my knees to break it up into two separate walks.

2."Didn't go to McD's when dinner was an epic fail" Butternut squash mac and cheese? No thank you! It's hard to not run for fast food when you've slaved over a healthy dinner, and it's gross, and you're starving. But I did it!

3. "Have stayed away from Halloween candy!!" That's partially because it's on top of the fridge, and I'm short, but whatever works.

4."Stayed away from all the yummy food at the church activity" And there was pasta salad y'all. Something to be proud of.

5. "Haven't eaten passed 7:30pm" A small miracle for this late night eater.

6. "Ate healthy snacks while watching a movie"

7. "Passed up all the yummy pastries at Panera Bread, and got a salad" Who am I??

8. "Haven't gone off the deep end with 'TOM' cravings" I've curbed my cravings with :Deliciously Healthy versions of comfort food, and sweets, and have been portion controlling like a boss.

9. "Started getting compliments that I look skinnier" Yay. Mostly from the hubs ;)

10. "I can see a hint of my old jawline" It's been a while.

11. "Stayed within my calories every. Single. Day!" Major pat on the back during 'TOM'. I usually eat everything in sight, and I'm not kidding. 

12. "Didn't go out to eat while I was busy running errands" It's hard to not grab a burger when you're busy and in your car all day, but I planned ahead and packed healthy snacks in my purse!

13. "Didn't dive into comfort food during stressful moments" Stressful moment + hormonal? Double whammy! But I did it!

Bring on the weigh in! I'm focusing on the positive, and I know I've got this ;)

Reaching my goal, one meal at a time.


  1. I’m impressed with the information you have share on the blog. Good Post!

  2. I put the candy on top of the fridge too! I am only 4'9" so if I really want it I have to climb on top of a counter to reach it…. that gives me enough time to think..do I really want to eat that candy???
    Jessica from www.sparklesandglue.com

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