There are pros and cons to trying to get pregnant.
Pro: Prenatal vitamins.
(these are my favorite so far.)
These vitamins are like Miracle Grow for your hair and nails. I cut my hair short back in November, and it's already almost the length it was before I cut it! The time before last, it took my hair 2 stinckin' years to get back to it's previous length! So naturally, it makes me want to cut my hair short again. If it's going to grow back this fast, why not?
I think I'm going to take prenatal vitamins for the rest of my life. That's not bad, is it? ;)
Con: Clomid.
(Can I have cruddier photos? No. I can not.)
This is the first month that I'm on the right dosage of Clomid. As you can see, I've taken all my little pills ;) So far it hasn't been as bad as some of the horror stories I've heard... but it's not a walk in the park either.
I've gotten quite a few emails asking me how the Clomid is working, and what the symptoms of Clomid have been, so I thought I would list them for you:
In a nutshell, taking Clomid is a lot like PMS.
If it works, it will all be worth it.
Moral of the story:
I'm an emotional girl with long hair.
Are you a vitamin taker?
If you would like to share you experience with clomid, you're welcome to leave it in the comments. I have lots of readers who would like to know more :D
Pro: Prenatal vitamins.
These vitamins are like Miracle Grow for your hair and nails. I cut my hair short back in November, and it's already almost the length it was before I cut it! The time before last, it took my hair 2 stinckin' years to get back to it's previous length! So naturally, it makes me want to cut my hair short again. If it's going to grow back this fast, why not?
I think I'm going to take prenatal vitamins for the rest of my life. That's not bad, is it? ;)
Con: Clomid.
This is the first month that I'm on the right dosage of Clomid. As you can see, I've taken all my little pills ;) So far it hasn't been as bad as some of the horror stories I've heard... but it's not a walk in the park either.
I've gotten quite a few emails asking me how the Clomid is working, and what the symptoms of Clomid have been, so I thought I would list them for you:
- Emotional. If the Pampers, and various different cancer commercials didn't make me cry before, they do now. This has resulted in me being ultra clingy to my honey bunny baby bear (that's the Clomid talking;). I need a hug from him like every 10 minutes.
- Bloated. Since I'm not weighing myself, I count on the way I feel, and how my clothes fit, to tell me how I'm doing. Right now I feel like I've gained 5-10 pounds. I've been good, so that shouldn't be the case.
- Menstrual cramps. I don't think I need to explain how much those suck.
- Small Pimples on my forehead. I need to get some Proactive.
- Muscle cramps. Since I was younger, I've been getting muscle cramps in my legs. You know that pain you have when you get on the floor, put your legs out in front of you, and try to touch your toes? (that question is for the non-limber folk;) Well it's that same exact pain, only constant. When I was younger they told me they were growing pains. They never went away, but as I got older, they only came when it was that time of the month. Since I've started the Clomid, I've gotten them every night :/
In a nutshell, taking Clomid is a lot like PMS.
If it works, it will all be worth it.
Moral of the story:
I'm an emotional girl with long hair.
Are you a vitamin taker?
If you would like to share you experience with clomid, you're welcome to leave it in the comments. I have lots of readers who would like to know more :D
Wow girlie, you've read my mind :) Synthroid 100mg, prenatal and Clomid 50mg=VERY emotional Allie!..with longer hair :)
Clomid made me super emotional and sensitive. My sister started Clomid this week and it reminds me so much of where I was 15 years ago. Good luck on this journey.
Hang in there! It will all be worth it! I road the clomid train for awhile too about 12 years ago.
I do take prenatals - have been since december & i love them. i have been trying to stop biting my nails - maybe if i would, i would notice them growing fast???
I pray the Clomid works & soon!! I'm kind of frustrated...we're ready to start trying but i'm waiting for my period to start! The first day of my last period was 2/23... i'm not pregnant... i read that long cycles are common for up to 6 months after getting off the pill & it means you're not ovulating yet. May will be the 6th month off the pill. I just wish it would start already & that i'd ovulate next cycle so i can *really* start trying! :)
Sorry if it's TMI, i figure you'd understand. :)
I do understand :) My doctor put me on provera to get me to start my period, verses waiting for it to start naturally, cause we had no idea when that would happen :)
I was on clomid to get pregnant with my son 7 years ago... I'm going to hopefully get put back on it again in June when I go see the specialist.
It only took one cycle for me to get pregnant (I hope it works that quickly for you too!!)
I was an emotional mess!! Good lcuk girlie!!
Seriously, my hair grows at an absolute snail's pace. I take children's chewables right now but, if I can get my hair to do that with THOSE? Basically I would be amazed.
What dose are you on? I started with 25mg (1/2 a pill) but was increased to 100mg over the months of TTC my first son and then I started with 100mg and increased it to 150mg to conceive my second son.
It honestly made me into a weight-gaining (20lbs in 3 months!), emotionally unstable train-wreck! Let me know if you ever need someone to rant to - I'm all ears!!
Fingers crossed this month will be THE one for you!!
Thanks Jenn! Right now I'm on 100mg.
I have to say after reading the reviews on this drug I don't know what say Im already so emotional. This will be myfirst time on any of these prenatal pills. When would I start it and how long will it take me to get pregnant. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. My,hair falls out alot so I Hope this pill helps with that.
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